Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"I'm gett'in noth'in for Christmas"

Well hopefully not! But really, that's what I deserve. My birthday was right after Thanksgiving and my hubby went ABOVE and BEYOND, and took our bank account to "INFINITY AND BEYOND". I was so speechless and still am. I usually have the ability to veto most of what I think he is thinking of buying for me (cause it's usually too much). This time was quite different. Yes, it is exactly what I wanted but I still have a hard time accepting all of it. Oh well! Like I said, "I'm gett'in noth'in for Christmas"! Maybe Brandon too.:( No, not really. I have to come up with something. The question is always, but WHAT? Especially after being spoiled so bad! Any ideas? Slippers made out of toilet paper? Earmuffs made out of laundry lint? Uh, I know! Earplugs made out of mini-marshmallows, for when the kids get too rowdy! Yea, except what about when they start to warm up from being in the ear too long? That might get a little messy I'm afraid. Oh well! Guess it doesn't matter cause, "I'm gett'in noth'in for Christmas".

P.S. This photo was taken with a brand new Android smart phone that was part of my present. In this box which was given a couple days after the phone, was a super nice Canon SLR with tripod, case, SD cards, battery packs, and lenses! Yes, I did say lenses! AAAAhhhhh! Still in shock! Thank you. I feel better.


MJ said...

whoo hoo!! You totally deserve to be spoiled!!! Happy belated birthday!!!! :)

p.s. a nice pair of binoculars made from toilet paper rolls would be awesome!! :)

Petit Elefant said...

Oh my gosh Heidi it's so fun to find you after all these years!

Your family is beautiful, love those little miracles!

Ashlee said...

WOW! SWEET!!! I'm so jealous! That is so sweet!!!! Maybe Brandon can pass the hint along to Jon about that camera! I'm not even going to start on my phone(A $15.00 walmart phone to prevent more toilet dropping!) I'm happy for you and hope you're having fun with it! post some new pics of Christmas with your awesome camera!

KJ said...

Heidi: I'm commenting on behalf of petit elefant. you won the video game giveaway. please email allison asap!